Special class to foster future SDGs chefs at Shoji’s Alma Mater

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

We are pleased to report that Natsuko Shoji visited Komaba Gakuen High School for a class at her alma mater, which she has given without fail for the past seven years.

This year, Shoji again taught a class to future chefs on the importance of not only culinary skills, but also business planning and branding to start a business. For her, mentoring the younger generation is an important mission and routine as a chef.

She also started the activities of the "Foster future SDGs chefs training project" an initiative she started with her alma mater three years ago, into the class, discussing with the students the process of the composting machine that converts food waste into liquid fertilizer, the vegetables grown and harvested with the fertilizer, and the results of the project.

Natsuko Shoji and été will continue to push forward for a sustainable society, culinary industry, and future chefs. Because we need to show the younger generation that sustainability is not just a trend, but a standard to which we aspire.

For more information on the "Foster future SDGs chefs training project" please click on the link at the bottom to read past articles.

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